"Orion and the Hare" is a film produced at Bradley University with a team of [unfinalized number]. This film is going to be shown in the Peoria Riverfront Theater during FUSE 2025.
The film follows a Hare as she harnesses the power of the stars in order to protect her children from an evil Lich, Orion.
So far, we have utlized Adobe Animate, Toonboom Harmony, Maya, Photoshop, and Procreate.
Current Film IN PROGRESS
Our team is lead by a council of leads. For this project, I am the 2D lead in charge of 4 other animators. I assist with scheduling and workflow.

As the 2D lead, my group focused on the design of the two main characters.
For the Hare, we iterated through designs and color palettes. Once we settled on a design, I created Hare guides for our 3D modeler and gave feedback for adjustments.

Photoshopped Texture Reference For Model
The hunter character, Orion. I took feedback from the group in order to guide the design into something everyone enjoyed and could work with.

These initial boards are to be cleaned and built upon in Toonboom Harmony.